Don’t hate me because my brain is bigger than yours. There are so many other reasons that are I wont argue.
The Ghost of the Arctic Turkey Past

For today’s Moronic Monday I am dragging out this oldie but goodie from the past. Hope you enjoy. Against my better judgement I bothered to get out of my pajamas and actually went to the store to buy a turkey. There are a few problems with buying a turkey on the night before Thanksgiving. […]
Focus on the Thanks pushing through the rest

Recently I have been quite noticeably absent. It hasn’t been because I am on a tropical island being served frozen drinks by my sexy boytoy Brendan Fraiser. Damn it. Instead after over a year of daily posts on 3 blogs and doing some freelance writing for a few collectives I reached an impasse. This site is created to “Be Peachy”, to remember that […]