For today’s Moronic Monday I am dragging out this oldie but goodie from the past. Hope you enjoy. Against my better judgement I bothered to get out of my pajamas and actually went to the store to buy a turkey. There are a few problems with buying a turkey on the night before Thanksgiving. […]
that’s what he said.. Jokes from my Daddy Day

If you are a follower chances are you have been privy to my secret WMD (Wonderful Mulit- forwarding Daddy).. My daddy is 79, he is awesome. Some technology may elude him but there is one thing this man has mastered. He can forward 278.5 emails to all 822 people in his contact list 10+ times […]

I have an update on my criminal status ! Remember the post from March 30, 2011, where I said, ” I’m probably not even a Criminal Maybe? ” NO? well here’s the link. Anyway it had to do with me teaching my kid to be a good Samaritan and helping out others and blah blah, and […]