Come they told me, Barumbabumbum, to the party Barumbabumbum, we will have food for you Barumbabum, the finest liquor for you Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum. So I got dresssed up Barumbabumbum, we parked a van near their trucks Barumbabumbum, we smiled and hugged everyone Barumbabumbum, the food was good Lloyd ate 3 plates Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum Barumbabumbum […]
Finally Friday

I am still stuffed like this years bird, “Tommy”.. To all of you out there participating in the mad sales and long lines and MMA Gramma shoppers. I seriously hope you guys remember to pick something up for me, or to someone from me. Either way but the first is a really good thing. About […]