Ok I have like to cram 2 weeks in 1 post. Fasten your seat belts. So I since I did that thing with the ticker where it went blah and I went ick, and they went stick stick slash, then they went all bed bed bed. I went all yeah whatever. Run Run Run. Then […]
Fotobomb Friday part duex !

Ok so it’s here a 3 day weekend, and again here I sit on stinking bed rest, but this time I am actually ON bed rest and listening because I believe it or not you can teach an old dog new tricks. Last week I found out that my youngest kid, ” The Prince” had […]
Update on my wife- from the Droid

My name is Lloyd, you guys probably know me as “The Droid”. That’s what Peachy calls me on the internet. I’m the lucky husband and she is my best friend. She asked me to do this for her. To let you guys know she is going to be ok. The people that know us in […]