Super freakin Fragalistic Friday YALL! Also it’s the last day to leave a sexy ( or strictly platonic) comment and be entered in the drawing to win one of THREE count them 3 freaking 3 can I get a shout out for the number THREE PEACHY PRIZE PACKAGES that I am giving away for this […]
It’s getting closer…

The hours are ticking down to the big day when I will draw 3 lucky winners from the comments of the posts of this month. That will go down on Friday Morning April 23, 2011 and they will go up. Each will be the lucky recipient of a Peachy Prize Package of undisclosed jacked up hilarious […]
Pancakes and Envy

I woke up this morning and needed to cleanse my soul. See here’s the problem. I am not at blogher. No big deal right. I am not a huge fan of 2500 screaming people unless they are throwing money and cheesecake at me anyway. But at blogher you get swag. From what I hear BOATLOADS […]