Long ago in a land not so very far there was a very young Lion. The little lion was headstrong as young lions are. The little lion was very curious, adventurous and would always get into trouble. The Lion had been placed in the care of a Warbler, the Warbler like most Warblers was ill prepared, […]
Coming out of the closet…

Coming out of the closet. In order to just stop all the confusion and questions, I will go ahead and just lay it out there. I have Chiari, it’s a brain thing, where my brain is just so damn big and sexy it needs to herniate from my skull. This causes an endless supply of […]
Thank you Mom, that’s the best gift ever.
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FaceBook Fun, Funny Stuff Friday, It's Juicy, Moronic Mondays, Peachy Advice, The Peachy Tree
Ok quick post on Christmas Eve because there is so much I still have to do before I can lay down and dream of sugar plums, but I really need to share this. If you are a friend/follower who has been with me a while then you already know about “my dude”, My second child […]