Wooo Hooo You guys we made it ! It’s Friday ! That means we made it to the weekend ! I don’t know about you guys but where I live it’s roughly the tempepature of the surface of the sun. Literally. NO seriously. NOT. EVEN. KIDDING. By 8am the heat index was 112 […]
Funny Stuff Friday

It’s just hot as is can be out y’all. I mean stupid hot. So please make sure to wear sunscreen, drink plenty of water, and keep as cool as you can. Other than that, have as much ridiculous fun as you can ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND! You guys always send me in the funniest stuff, so […]
Sunday re-cap

Well it’s Sunday and here’s a chance for you to catch up if you missed anything. You can click on the images below to go to that post. Yes, your welcome. and that’s about all, oh except for the super secret project I am working on, would tell you but then I would have to […]