It’s Thursday, that means it’s face book time. I used to just pull these off my wall but then I remembered that Suave commercial from the 80’s where you tell a friend and they tell a friend and before you know it’s an entire grid of super models with fantastic hair telling each other stuff.
So I remembered some of the best and brightest status updates from my Face Book Friends this past week. I show them to you and you say OMG Peachy has the coolest friends, and I go yeah, I totally knew her when, and then you go OMG you aren’t Peachy? Then the cat walks in wearing a speedo and the dog is smoking a cigar. Needless to say our relationship is over because you make my pets randy.
This is a quick look at facebook brilliance from this week.
Since I have spent nearly 2 years offending, scaring or pissing off my first 1200 face book friends, I invite you to jump on my insanity train.
but you should probably watch my friendship disclaimer first. Here it is.
Dropping me in the lava now?
* That video was created for this post of mine, inspired by SubWow of Absence of Alternatives. (Look on the left folks)
I feel special now since you have used one of my facebook thingys on your post.
can i steal this friendship disclaimer? if i were clever, i would have written this myself because omg that’s me.
of course you can. Honestly it may have been my words but SubWow was the genius behind making it a video.
OMG, where did you get that gas station picture! I WANT IT!