Funny Stuff Friday on Being Peachy

It’s Friday YALL !!    Break into celebratory song of choice.  Insert cheesy Dance Moves here.

I had to leave my house a couple times this week.  (Which made my lawyers nervous.)

In what could only be described as a punch in the uterus,  I realized a push up bra and smile wasn’t enough to get that “special”  treatment anymore.

It could be that I need push up underwear and I can’t seem to find platform sparklie orthopedic heels? ( theres a market there people don’t forget to cut me in!)   I think I got the feel sorry for the old lady discount on my new bedazzler so I can bedazzle my house arrest ankle bracelet  from my big public fight. But a discount is a discount.

I am still trying to get my hottie discount

I have no clue who the creator of that is because it came to my email from my husband along with the joke…

“What do older ladies have between their boobs that younger women do not?”

Their bellybutton…

Ok I am starting to think this could be a hint or something.  But then I remember the major difference between men and women.

who ever drew this nailed it on the head.

But I am really glad I don’t have to deal with things like dating and booty calls. Because my friend Jesse sent me this.

Dear 2 of my Friends- PLEASE PRINT THIS AND USE IT.

But then I got this in my email and I was like bawahahah that’s so funny. Who sent it?

So when I realized I probably just can’t rest on the gaurantee of hotty status for another 40 or so years,  I thought maybe I would consider cross training and try being useful and jump on that “cleaning the house” bandwagon.

Really Really Really bad idea.  I don’t understand why there are instructions on my shampoo bottle that OBVIOUSLY the world knows how to use.  But no no instructions on my Mop, which is where I needed them.   Fail, Fail and hold it.. Giant FAIL.  other day  I almost killed every living thing in my house by turning on the auto clean volcano lava feature on my oven, which was nearly as fantastic as last week when I was showing my son how to build a first in the fire place without using a blow torch ( like my geek husband does),  and succeeded and by succeeded I mean had the screeching blaring of 7 smoke alarms going off for 30 minutes and fire department here.   In both cases.  Smoke  billowed  around and tried to kill us.  Thank goodness I already knew about the gasmasks at Old Navy.

That’s it my friends and now go forth and ROCK this weekend !



* Also this week I was honored to receive the “Stylish Blogger Award” from Sunny Sings the Blues and my Daughters Guest Blog over at The Pits titled “Sam I am”  garnered the “LOL” award from Bran~Muffin.   Much thanks to both of them and the awards have been added to my award page above !

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.