Categories: FaceBook Fun

Fun with Facebook Friends, Miley style

I know what you’re thinking “Miley style? WHO?”

Well, Peachy is MIA for a few days and asked for volunteers to help pitch in. Since my facebook is mildly funny, I thought I’d give it a go for her today.

Yes, I know… you don’t know me from Adam OR Eve. So, let me tell you a tiny bit about myself. I’m “Miley” (totally not my name) and I have a nifty little blog here where I ramble about things. I also have a facebook page for my blog, and am connected to the networked blogs. Basically, it’s a place for me to get it all off my chest. Sometimes I rant. Sometimes I talk about school or my kids. Sometimes I get all possessed and start acting like a real human being and on those days, I managed to inspire people somehow. Fortunately for me, I’m possessed a lot lately which is good because I want to be a therapist if I grow up. I love LSU football, so there’s purple & gold there on Saturdays, and if they win there’s boobs (PG-13, guys). I have no job, basically no social life and a LOT of time to think. So, I write it all out.

Unfortunately, I do NOT have any awesome records like being the first link on google for “epic asshattedness” or “Robin Williams’ junk”. I do, however, have friends named Yoga Boy, Army Boy, Mr. Glasses, Jennifer Juniper and The Gunman, along with two kids – The Beave and Munchkin. It should also be known that I have a tendency to be wordy. Yoga Boy is just like me so he never complains. Army Boy says that I’m funny because if he asks a question, I’ll give the back story. Mr Glasses talks about how I make his eyes bleed. Jenn just knows where to go “uh huh” and The Gunman (who I don’t know very well) has made comments about “Wow. You really know how to give ALL the information, don’t you?”

Keep this in mind as you read… Without further ado, here is a peek into the insanity that is my facebook.

My status says I did something. I remembered to mail something to a friend and wanted her to know that she didn’t have to remind me (because, in all fairness, while epic asshattedness may not be my game, colossal failure to remember simple crap IS).


40? Really??

See, what had happened was…

Sounds tame, I know. Some dude likes my friend and wants to meet her… Probably because of a previous post where there was talk between T and me about being lesbian lovers. Oops.

There you have it folks. Join facebook. Get a bunch of people from a VERY tame VERY vanilla parenting group together, mix in a funny blogger or two and add a guy. You will be very pleased with the result.

Mysteriously Confused: