Moronic Monday-Beep Beep

It’s Monday, we can really do nothing about. This is the third consecutive presidency that keeps over looking my motion to remove Mondays from the calendar or at least have them declared part of the weekend in efforts to make them suck a tad less.  No one listens to me.  I probably am going to have to get elected to a little more than the Green Acres Board of  fictitious fun stuff  if this is going to go any where people.

So here’s a little story about one of my moronic adventures to make you feel a little better about yourself.

To understand this story you need to know that all through high school my best buddy was an incredibly hot guy named D.  Tall, Dark, handsome, funny, artistic, deep. All the girls adored him, most wanted to date him. My family felt I should marry him, this meant 1 thing. I could not even date him.  I knew him far too well. He was my best bud, my brother, and even though we went to prom together it was as friends.   Fast forward to me being married and living a couple states away and him getting back from his duty in the military.

He stops by for a visit.  I don’t keep liquor in the house and said oh, well lets just run to the liquor store and we can make some drinks. It’s around 730pm.   I tell my husband we are running to the liquor store and we will be right back.

We hop in D’s Cougar and  head to the liquor store.  Catching up on old stories and laughs pull in it’s closed. Damn.  It’s ok man there’s another one like 2 redlights further west.

Closed. WTH?  It’s ok, this place has tons, go 3 redlights  west.

Closed?  Dude, what is up with this?

Oh wait it’s Sunday? What?  Dude?  No way?

Yes way? Crap, wait. ok well we can just go like 20 minutes and be in Louisiana and they sell booze 24/7 and even have drive through.  So just go west.

Music blaring.. blah blah, remember blah blah, HAHAHAHAH,  dude, blah..  ok here we are. Wait. what? how far to Bourbon Street cause I have never been can stop by for just a minute?  oh sure but just for a quick tour it’s  just like 20 more minutes down the road.  I can’t believe  you’ve never been?   HAHAHAH, BLAH BLAH.. dude hahah.. blah blah reminds me of blah blah.. West Palm Beach, blah blah… Mike blah blah..

next thing I hear is


KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK.  I open my eyes to see a man looking in the car window he’s wearing a uniform, he looks pissed.  My head hurts.



I sit up and realize that he is a garbage man, I am sprawled out sleeping in the drivers seat behind a convenient store  someone in what I am guessing is the united states by a dumpster and the garbage man with the very loud beeping vehicle wants me to move the car that is not mine.   I am very hot as the windows are rolled up. There are no keys in the car. It is not my car.  I look around.  Ah there’s D in the back seat.  I punch him in the face to wake him up.

Dude give me the keys.

Just like old times man.

So if you don’t wake up in another state sweating alcohol from every pore on your body in a car that is not yours next to a dumpster behind a store you have never been to with a pissed off garbage man beating on your window there is a good chance your Monday might be a tad better than my Monday.  Go forth and kick monday in the throat y’all.



ps- This happened about 22 years ago and does not involve my current adorable husband, it involves the previous icky husband. there were no friends or husbands injured during the making of this post. we have no clue how we ended up parked next the dumpster probably alien abduction, not really sure.

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.