Funny and not so funny stuff Friday

Hello sexy friends, yes we survived another week and made it to FRIDAY ! woo hoo.

Unfortunately this week has been hard on lots of us.  Yesterday in battle I was viciously attacked.

Kids look adorable with a missing tooth.. I do not.

Nope. I am not nearly that precious with my missing tooth.  To refresh you of my hottie status ( go along with me here people, it’s my story and my delusion let me believe I am hot and no one will get hurt.)  Here is a picture of me with some girls that are not to my level of hottness but still have Hottness attributes.

See we even dress and stand alike. Hot right?

Yeah I know it’s freakin uncanny..  One time my favorite little boy that’s not genetically related to me saw spider man and when Kirsten Dunst came on screen he shouted , ” LOOK IT”S MISS SANDI”.. ( I will love you forever Nathaniel.)

So anyway yesterday I was viciously attacked by a new and shiny product.

I searched 3 stores to find a big bag of these beauties for my family to try.

So I try one, and yum no problem, my son and husband try a handful, yum and no problem.  And then I put one in my mouth all unsuspecting and crack.

this one M&M was so hard it had to be filled with a diamond, concrete, nano rod combo.

Thus leaving me with a broken front tooth.  Thus leaving my happiness factor plummeting like the stocks of BP.

the chart is NOT big enough to show how unhappy I am.

So we all have seen the cute little M & M guys like this..

See they look all friendly and cute.

But after the incident I hired a private investigator and he found their actual photos and names.

this is what he found, the Dark side

Much like Mel Gibson  a tape has surfaced where they are threatening to KNOCK my teeth out.  But it’s not just me.. They got  my fellow hotties too.

this can happen to you...

So I hope there is some Dentist out there who will hear of my story and find me and save me and my formerly fantastic smile.  Otherwise I will be forced to do stunt teeth work for Johnny Depp. ( have you noticed how crappy yet different his teeth look in every roll?)  Or I will resort to slipping on my 9 years olds clothes, a pair of bedazzeled suspenders and belt, along with some hooker thigh high boots and head on over and try to make it on people of walmart.   The weather is bad so with my new broken tooth look I could probably qualify for a spot on the news talking about how a tornado sounds just like a train as it blows through a trailer park.

If you or someone you love is about to try these things, I suggest you cut them open with a knife first to make sure none of them are like the one I bit into.  Unless you want to look like me, and my hottie friends.

Happy Weekend people.


ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.