Your gonna put that WHERE?

Poor dude, no really...

I returned from my 10 day trip to a filthy house that only a match could cure my house, the prince and droid acting like I was never gone a warm welcome from my caring family, and random piles of dog steamers my dogs were happy to see me. OH yeah and my van is totally FUBAR’d. When I did attempt to drive it, it felt like a wheel was falling off, thus causing me to drive under 10 mph for the 1/4 mile I drove before turning back. But as always I try to find the Peachy side of things, so here it goes.
My DH, the Droid goes in this morning  for a medical procedure that involves a camera and an orifice. Here’s your hint, it aint his mouth, ears, or nose. Yeah right, PHEW. Sucks to be you dude. The Prince goes in for his ultra sound/echo and ekg, to make sure his heart is all perfect just like he is.               ( amazing how being a preemie can affect you 9 years out huh?). My husband handled the finances while I was out of town which means we are broke like finish line tape at a marathon things might be a little tight this month. So you may be saying what’s the Peachy side of this?
The Peachy side is.
a) it is not me getting the camera shoved up my junk.
b) the procedure for the droid is just a check, there is no issue that I need to be all freaked out about.
c) the procedure with the prince is just a check, there is no issue that I need to be freaked out about.
d) we can take the droids car even though it’s ugly and small and all cramped up, this means we are lucky enough to have some form of transportation.
e) my daughter in college has finals all week, and it’s her not me.
f) we may be broke but are not in foreclosure like a huge number of people in this country.

this list could go on and on, there are a boatload of peachy things going on even if they aren’t totally visible to the average eye. So take a second to find a Peachy perspective about the suck worthy junk going on in your life, it makes it easier to get thru the day without breaking things and punching people.

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.