
Ok it’s Friday, and as you guys know it’s usually funny stuff Friday but this week, Thanks to one very special lady named  Meredith it’s Fantastic Flipping Friday !

Here’s what happened.  ( the short {er} version).

The Prince decides after seeing a picture of one of my blog friends that chances are when he is old enough to date real ladies he will be dating her because she has  sparkly goggles.

exhibit A

Sparkly Onion Goggles- this is so cool

But in his 9 year old mind he realized that sparkly goggles might be an issue if they go snorkleing because the fish would bite at the sparkles and she doesn’t look like the kind of girl who would like fish chewing at her face. I explained they were her special onion chopping goggles.  This only made him think she was pretty darn smart because cutting onions makes you cry.

So I showed him exhibit B

this is part of the twitter lipgloss fashion show

and he lost his lego’s because she has blue eyes like him and he said, “now that’s a lady”. He also explained that right now he’s has a girlfriend but just at lunch because she is in another class, but probably when he was old enough to date real ladies he would like to take Meredith snorkeling.

So you can imagine his delight when a package came from “that lady”

He nearly mauled the mail person for this package.

He had no clue what was in the box, but I did,  she had given me a heads up, so WE opened the box.

It only shows 3 hands but I think there were 17 or so.

and even though it was 10 kabillion degrees here today it contained something very holidayish.

I told him it was just a pretty tin.

So I had to wait patiently for him to compliment the pretty tin and the fact his future lady date was so sweet she sent me a tin.  Because I knew what was in the tin and wanted a chance to at least taste it.  Before my man tribe demolished it and I was left licking the empty tin.


You guys, she sent me home made  Chocolate Cookies with Chocolate chips.

How do you spell awesome? M E R E D I T H

So friend her on Facebook,  follow her on Twitter, and by all means go read her blog.

Because anyone that sends me chocolate is on the “it” list, and she made these.

In fact she burned her hand ( probably to be more like me)  and then put them in a pretty tin and mailed them to me.  That makes her good people y’all.

I have to go now my husband is searching her on google  as my replacement so there’s this entire Lion King circle of life thing going on here, because the prince is saying ,  ” Dude she’s my future lady friend, you are OLD ”

Have a great weekend people.



* several cookies were harmed during the making of this post.  They were eaten with reckless abandon which means I will be in yoga pants for a month or so.

*  Thank you Meredith ! I should probably go ahead and start working with Jane on the wedding plans huh?