How can this be?- Heroes4Holden

Today on twitter I saw  @TheNextMartha  send out a tweet that shocked me.  It contained a link I clicked on it and I fell apart as my eyes scanned the post.  One of the most heinous acts of cruelty was enacted on a 5 week old baby named Holden.

His mother, chose to mutilate his 5 week old genitals by slicing them off, in the process she also damaged his femoral artery.    Critically injured and pushed into life saving surgery this baby made it.

Now he is a VERY HAPPY toddler.  He is in the custody of his Aunt, this loving woman and her family have dedicated their lives to helping Holden.

A baby, a little boy, a mother, a crime so disgusting it’s nearly impossible to fathom.

Holden is going to be faced with a life of surgeries, for his leg and his genitals, not to mention both physical and psychological therapies.  Hormone shots for the rest of his life.

This Aunt who has taken in Holden is now working with the husband of  @TheNextMartha  and this is how the story was brought to her attention.

Please go here to read her post on the entire situation,  along with links to the news articles and ways that you can help.

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