Toilet paper-Vampires and birthdays- Moronic Monday

What’s up lovely people? It’s here, Monday. No denying it. It’s  basically laughing in our face letting us know it’s going to attempt to fall us like a huge oak tree onto a roof of our local happy spot. It’s our job to punch Monday in the throat/crotch and show it who is boss.  I can’t help physically assist you, but I give you this mental ammo in hopes it will be like Monday butt kicking red bull to help you through your day.


Birthdays in my life have always been special.  I remember when I was 14 I stayed up all night ALL night decorating every single roll of toilet paper in the house with magic markers so I could use it as streamers INSIDE the house.  Cooking a huge breakfast of pancakes that would have been better used in skeet shooting then for human consumption.  It was for my moms birthday I wanted her to have a good one, even though her and I never got along, and in my young eyes she certainly wasn’t much of a mother.   But I remembered how my 14th birthday the entire day passed with no one remembering.  I was at my brothers house for the summer and there was nothing,  no cake, no card, no phone call from my mom or dad, just nothing.  That’s how most of my birthdays went.  I had an awesome slumber party one year with friends from Middle School I think that was my 13th birthday I had a huge gorgeous cake and a ton of fun, we just played dress up and sang out of tune to Styx and Donna Summer.  It was great.   It was my only party. Ever.  The rest were just a reminder that I was more of an afterthought or inconvenience.   I thought about it a lot how sad I was and how I rode my bike nearly 4 hours the day of my 14th birthday lonely, and with a face wet from tears of self pity.   Maybe that’s why I worked so hard on my mom’s birthday 6 months later.  To let her know that birthdays are special, and I didn’t forget.  Maybe I was just being evil wanted to show her that I was a much nicer person because even though they had all forgotten my special day, I remembered theirs.  Either way it didn’t garner me another birthday party,  ever.

I grew up moved out and years later I got married and had a children.  I was a young mom, a poor mom, those things don’t always go hand in hand, but in my case, I made a series of bad choices and in the words of my extremely well off grandmother, ” I had made my bed and would lay in it until I pulled  MY self out, not them.”

The next 20 years I made sure on my childrens birthday they always knew it was their special day,  they had parties, sleep overs, costumer parties,  school parties, skate parties, chuck e cheese parties, theme parties, war parties, paint ball parties, silly string parties, water park parties,  pump it up parties.  Always at least 1 cake, always the food of their choice,  and always a big big deal.   You know that entire a parent lives vicariously through her children thing?  Yeah this isn’t it, this is me adoring my kids and not wanting them to be me.

Holidays, anniversaries, birthdays and things like that do not register on my husbands list of things he cares about.  To clarify.  EVERYTHING is superficial and a total waste of time.  No matter how well he knows me and knows that I am indeed shallow, superficial and just a needy narcissistic child in a loud adult body, he will NOT bow to my begging and pleading or heaven forbid pouting.   Honestly the man is void of human emotions.  Hence his name the “Droid”.   I love him, and all these years later I wont trade him in, it’s just him, just like I am just me.   When I see a woman on line or in person literally lose her mind because she isn’t happy with what she got, or the attention she received for an anniversary or special day I slightly giggle, because  I realize that she is the same little princess on the outside I am on the inside, and I hope that she does realize that like a river, a reliable steady flow of love daily,  is much better than a flooding river one day and a drought the rest.

My children however, are so wonderful, they always made me cards, would yell at each other to “behave” on MY special day,  sing to me, hug me and just all around cater to me to the best of the perspective ages would allow.  Once  Sam I am started driving she makes sure the boys get to the store, and that I have a cake.  Since she moved away for college, she always makes sure to be here close to my birthday if not on it and that I am treated like a princess.  By princess I mean someone else loads the dishwasher, and yells at the males to take out the trash and other daily chores.   As she got older she would buy me things which is odd for me.  A parent  to receive a  purchased gift from my child.   My kids are pretty freaking awesome.

All the big ones rolled by,  25, 30, 35, 40 and they just kept rolling,  there really isn’t any need for me to go on, you get the point.

Last year all the bloggy world participated in my birthday present contest and OMG you guys were brilliant, click on this empty space to see->   BIRTHDAY 2010 <- ( since wordpress is dicking with my links) it was lovely and the interwebz provided me an awesome birthday full of male strippers, vodka, and Brendan Fraiser.  I escaped inside my computer and it was so wonderful.

This year unfortunately I have a lot of things going on recently and some very unpleasant real life issues have gotten in the way of  my spending hours on end with you wonderful people on line.  I still think of all of you constantly and when I can pop on, I try to say hi, leave a comment, throw out a tweet just to let you know I am still kicking and love ya.

Imagine my childish narcissistic delight when I found I would be having a party. ME?  A party?  OMG !  If I were physically capable I would be doing the snoopy dance. Still.

I had what can only be described as the closest thing to a perfect day.  My perfect may not be the same perfect as yours, but to me it was amazing.

I woke up and 2 of my 3 kids were here under my roof, and then my Stunt Kid C man was here.  We had planned going out to lunch, it’s something we don’t do often,  and even more rare to have almost everyone there.  Yes there was an empty seat purposely left at the hibachi grill for my dude.   Our stunt kid Cman had never had hibachi before.  The Prince is all in love with sushi and hibachi, so he actually picked the place.   Sam I Am  sat next to the Droid as they were the “bait” side of the table.  I say bait, because I don’t do sushi, raw fish chunks are bait, not human food.

My awesome family

After dinner Sam I Am headed off to finish moving and took The Prince with her,  Cman went home, and reconnected with his long lost actual family he hasn’t seen all summer.   The Droid and I got dressed up and went to see Gloria,  ok her name isn’t really Gloria, but that’s what my dad calls her, she is one of the rarest and kindest people on the planet.  She had contacted all our old friends.   Katrina really kicked everyones but, and even though it was in 2005, it scattered us all around and lead to real life crap and struggles invading on all of our facetime and funds,   but I can assure you, our group of friends is a mashup of people you would probably never put together in 1 group if you saw us on the street individually which is absolutely the best compliment I can give to our friendships.  We look like a much older version of the breakfast club, but with adult “stereo types” instead of high school ones.  Yet we all know there is nothing we wouldn’t do for each other.  But time, distance and the real world tossed us all around for the last few years.   To see these lovely people, actually brought tears to my eyes, because just being around them, made me feel like me, the old me, and for a few hours on July 30th,  I was comfortable around people that mean so much to me again.


Awesome friends !

The next morning I woke up  I logged on to facebook and twitter and was simply blown away.  I hadn’t mentioned it but I guess that facebook reminder thing pays off, because  people I went to 3rd grade with,  7th grade, high school, former co workers, friends from afar and friends I have made online had taken time to wish ME  Happy Birthday.  I made sure to go back and thank each person,  because honestly it really meant so much.

I finally had my magic markered toilet paper birthday that the little 14 year old in me always wanted.

For that,  I can’t thank you all enough.





zombie, alien vampires, ahh that's the best kind !





ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.