Yeah  I know I am totally going to announce them within the hour.  But I wanted to make sure you knew I knew that I was supposed to announce it and stuff.  So totally check back don’t worry I will totally say it.  I hope I can reach everyone.  If I can’t I will draw replacement winners. They will be just as important.

Do you hate me now?  Well don’t because you could be a winner. Duh. Wait to hate.



ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.