Monday Morning After Party Post

Do you feel bloated, hung over,  ready to clean the air vents but only for 30 minutes before you must slip into a sugar coma?

These are signs you have indeed went out on the designated night to ask neighbors for sugar.   Remember those days?  When your mom sent you to borrow a cup of sugar?  Yeah it’s like that, except on Halloween you weren’t borrowing, you were pretty much demanding it in lieu of the prospect of some evil trick.

Basically  your neighbors are forking out goodies under duress.  That’s why you have to wear a costume, to hide your identity otherwise they would know exactly who to prosecute.

I am sad to announce this is the year my 9 year old ( the youngest) figured out ” I need to check your candy first”  actually means, ” I am going to steal the good candy and hand you crappy peanut logs while I suck down your twizzlers, snickers and starburst.  I was busted.

Here are some of the adorable, lovely, scary, and don’t right ghoulish photos from my facebook/blog/twitter friends.

From Melisa over at TheSuburbanScrawl

Happy Halloween Scallywags

My FaceBookFriend Gretchen H. from MN sent in pics of her Gobblins

A Knight in Shining Armour and a Devil... LOVE it !

Checking in from Twitter we have @Magshoop  it’s a ghoulish group shot !

The Rockstar beats down Jason while the cheerleader rescues Spidey ! awesome

This one flew in under my broom Radar from @ShanSoup on twitter who also has https://simplyshannon.scentsy.us/Home

Upgrading her broom this year to Flight xp

My darling real life friends and New Orleans Memory Makers, Best Realtor in Texas and Halloween Bunco Host.  Traci at http://reootx.topseller.net/

How could you not adore this?

If you're in Houston you want to play Bunco with these ladies !

I know Traci has 2 boys but I can't identify the ghost ! I think Sammy has a head wound that requires some medical attention ASAP.

Now onto an already famous super Dude Liam.   His Mom Ri at http://musicsavvymom.com/ is so creative she probably sheered the sheep then made the material to make this costume. Liam is destined to rock stardom and is one of the few little guys I know that could hold a candle to our dearly loved Johnny Dep

The next Gen of superstars- oh yeah he's got a little Capitan in him. ( as in it could be in that cup? )

This comes from Aiden  his mom writes over at www.sometimesmeaningfulramblings.com

Aiden is perfectly depicting the way I look every Monday except I am not around that many books.

Ok time for a grown up break.  Next is Meredith from OH that Meredith ! Not sure what she is but that is a super cute bra and her hair is 2 DIE 4.

Star Wars Geeks everywhere are in full light saber mode.

Next up the Non Stoppable Warrior Mandy and of course her family, from http://www.believeinmandy.blogspot.com/

Mandy leads the way in 2010

I guess at some point I should include my own, so here’s the Prince..

Amazingly fast and cheap costume- Swamp Zombie

My Facebook and Twitter friends Irene and Kevin  M  of MA

this also could be me on a Monday unless that pumpkin is smiling.

next up is Super Winston from My Friend Rachel at http://therachelchron.blogspot.com/

It's a bird it's a plane it's Super Winston

This next one might fool you. You see she is an actual Derby Chick, with a sense of humor that will knock you out.  So I have to include her costume and then also what she looks like everyday.

It’s Kristie  aka  “SintaMental” Derby Chick Extraordinare !

Over the top !

So I hope you all had a Spooktacular weekend and got your fill of sugary sweets to get you all warmed up for the Fall and Winter Holidays to which we are required to gorge ourselves and gain that mandatory winter weight for self heating purposes. ( don’t judge me, this is how I justify it)

So go forth on this Mondays battle realizing not one person sent in a picture of their preteen girl dressed as lady gaga and not one boy was dressed as a WWF wrestler and to me, that just lets me know our country is doing a lot better than it was 10 years ago.

Thanks to all who sent in their pictures, and gave me permission to use them.  You rock as always like cheesecake.  ( If I forgot a link to your site or your twitter name please let me know)



ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.