And the winner is…

Hi Guys !  If you have been reading along on here, facebook or through twitter then you know My 9 yr old Prince entered exhibits into the county fair for the very first time this year.

He did a lot.  One particular project nearly got me a ticket to the nut hut when I found myself hot gluing the bugs he had caught to pins and found out panic attacks aren’t reserved for tall bridges.

So  last night ( Saturday)  on the spur of the moment I decided to have a contest. My FIRST EVER contest.   My contest required no retweets, joining groups or standing on your head while using your left foot to hula hoop.  My simply said, ” Look at the pictures of what he submitted, then guess how many, if any  1,2 or 3 place awards he received.  I made sure to let everyone know I don’t count participation or honorable mentions.  Because my kids are not special snow flakes, and they can learn to accept failure so they can appreciate success through hard work.

In the interest of full discloser  here were the guesses-

from my Facebook

Sandy B I looked and Sandi my guess is 5. He has done very well on the items he has done. 🙂 Being in 4-H with my kids I have seen a lot and for his age he is very good 🙂

Irene M C Mixed Media

Jeff A he won them all…15

Matthew M throwing darts here, 8 since he is your kid and all 🙂 wait hes lloyds kid also…..ah heck ill stay with 8

Kristie R G  lucky 7 and thats only because you some kids mom is on the board….

The blog comment entries are

Belinda says: He will win ribbon on all exhibit that he puts in if they qualify. So i Say 15 ribbons

Miley says: I’m going to go with 6.

Marti says: My guess is 7

Jesse says:  my guess is 8

Holly B says: 13..

Melissa says: My guess is 5.

Miss Nikki says:

The original acrylic will win 1st.

The mixed media is getting a 3rd.

The insect collection gets a 2nd.

The bookmark gets a 3rd.

That golden dog thing gets a 1st.

…and that is my honest opinion. But he may get 6 or 7 prizes all together. This kid has some talent to him! Cool!

Justin says: I say 4

Melisa says: Eleven!

rwwells says: I’m taking the Vegas over/under and going with 7. Come on lucky number 7, papa needs a new pair of shoes!

Nicola says: Ok ok.. i’m guess 1. Only since he’s competing with a bunch of kids.

meredith says: my future husband will ribbon in everything, OF COURSE

************  And now the results***************

That’s the work right there, with the ribbons.

Here’s the breakdown-

1st Place ( blue ribbon) –  11 Ribbons-

Sand Art in a bottle, pumpkin bread, Canvas craft ( yarn photo frame) , extra credit school project ( solar system) , Crab ( sea shell art), Dough Animal ( lion),  Sand Art Picture,  Framed Puzzle, Original Acrylic,  BookMark ( the Caterpillar), Insect/Bug Collection.

2nd Place-  3 ribbons-

Mixed media ( the framed puppy dog in the frame), The Handmade Birdhouse,  Colored Pencil Drawing,  ( and the homemade candle they forgot to put in the computer so that means he had 16 entries not 15 as I had announced in the contest.)

3rd Place- 1 ribbon

Painted or dyed craft made from wood cut outs.

So technically that’s 16,  that are 1st ,2nd , and 3rd place, but there is a kicker.  Not only did I accidentally think he only entered 15 items and gave you guys that number to base your vote on,  he won some other stuff.

Judges Special Award for the youth division which is Purple.  I guess that’s like the highest honor  you can get because they even pull it from the regular spots and showcase them at the front of the exhibit hall, which I must admit was ubber cool.

I wasn’t that surprised that the Bug collection got 1st place and the special honors award.  But to be honest, I was super surprised to find out that Birdhouse that is real and hard work and the mixed media didn’t get 1st, those were my favorites. Honestly he is happy, I am happy, it’s all unicorns and butterflies around here.   He used his fair prize money to take his best bud to the fair today.  Yes there was some freaky weather event that nearly killed all of us and I will write about it and include diagrams and such on another day.  But for now we need the winners.

drum roll……………………………….
Jeff A for guessing 15 out of 15, because if I had said he had 16 instead of 15 he would have guessed 16.
Belinda  for saying he will win for every exhibit he turns in that is approved ( which is what really happened.
OH! That Mereidith-  for saying ” my future husband will ribbon in everything, OF COURSE”
So I have 3 winners here.  That my friends means 3 prizes.  So if you are a winner as listed here please send me your name and mailing address via email   to  beingpeachy@gmail.com
Thanks to everyone for playing along.  It was indeed several months of very hard work ( and 5 days of panic attacks pinning those bugs)  but it was so worth it.
ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.