Funny stuff Friday ! we made it !

Holy Cow you hot steaming pile of awesome.  If you’re here that means we made it !  It’s Friday. Time to Celebrate run out and just snag up all that weekend glory, or stay home in your PJ’s refusing to wear shoes or make up. Your call either way, because IT IS FRIDAY !

Theses following pictures are from other blogs and can not only be used to laugh at but also as a loose guide of things you might not want to do while celebrating. ( or maybe you do, again, your call )

No matter what you just won.  This sort of celebration does not look cool. Unless it’s the lottery. Then you can pay everyone else to do the same thing so you look like it was a peer pressure situation.   Thanks FailBlog

see more Epic Fails

Family can be awesome or not.  You make the choice in these photos.


from FailFaimly.com

Uncle Fred made sure the auto timer was set for our annual family beach portrait before running and getting in the shot.


But no matter whether it’s friends or family that you chose to celebrate the point is don’t do it alone ( or there will be no one to take the pictures for the internet )

The next series are from


I always try to avoid getting plastered with people I work with.  Here is why.

the promotion for Kathy was a sure thing after this company picnic http://www.faildrunk.com

Although I seriously respect this young ladies goddess of limber status, I do not think this will do her any favors during tryouts for the Church’s Gymnastics Team.

the execution was a 10 but I am waiting for your dismount. http://www.faildrunk.com

Some people have friends who love them a lot, but they still took the pictures.

just write the chiropractors number on his forehead http://www.faildrunk

The pillows were a nice thought.

so that’s it people, start getting your celebration on because it’s FRIDAY and the weekend cometh !   If your going to do something stupid own it, and then go ahead and send me the picture.


ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.