Saturday-The Aftermath

Hi guys.  It’s Saturday or as I will name it in the official journals of history.. “holy crap I can not drink until 7am and be ok the next day anymore day”  or maybe just “shit  I’m getting old day”.

So for anyone unfortunate enough to have been on twitter last night (or this morning) while I was on a drunken twitter rampage, or anyone that I may or may not  have hijacked their facebook wall,  uhm sorry..  can I get a pass, it was my birthday and all.

Oh yeah and on to the Birthday issue that is what you are all here for.   Here’s the deal.  On Wednesday I wrote this post and asked for virtual birthday gifts.  And on my Birthday Friday I put them up, and it was awesome. You guys were amazing.  I did have a couple come on my actual birthday ( too late for yesterday’s post).

Here’s one particular special one from Ri at MusicSavvyMom

Thanks Liam- your a super star !

Now comes the exciting part.  This all started with a contest.  The virtual presents were entries into the contest, and the prize?   What else an invite to join my on my own virtual tropical island of awesome.  So here we go drum roll please.

The winner is..    YOU !

( finally right? I know you never win anything, me either)

But honestly you all win. You can all come.  You see you each proved the level of your amazing awesome creativity  and smack dazzling smokin status with those wonderful things.  I had the BEST birthday ever.  Seriously, the entries, the emails ( ewok vs wookiee orgy .. I know right? details may come later), the facebook wishes, the tweets, the text messages, the phone calls.  I am touched, and not in the licking the windows type touched, I mean touched by all the kindness and laughter you guys shared with me.

So yeah you can all come,  no need to bring many clothes, it’s tropical, hot cabana boys, endless spf and massive amounts of free flowing liquor all set on the ocean breeze.  There are some things you need to know about my island though.  Snotty, angsty, smelly teenagers are not allowed.  I know this must shake some of you up, they can come by boat to a pier for limited visitation. On the pier only for 10 minutes or 1 eye roll whichever happens first.

There are no taxes and very few laws. Don’t worry we don’t need many, why?  well because it’s a private island and I have screened all visitors and residents thru this “audition” of sorts.  4 laws. That’s it.

Misdemeanor Stupidity, Felony Stupidity,  Misdemeanor Asshattedness and Epic Asshattedness.  There’s no 3 strike law.  2 Misdemeanors and your off the island, 1 Felony and you’re shark bait. The end. No long lawyer judge, jury bull shit.  My island my rules.

I hesitate to give you pictures of my island because well, it’s too perfect so just imagine the bestest most perfect island of your dreams and that’s it. Plus if I did with all this internet stuff, anyone could find it through google earth or some shit and then we would have to hire sharks with laser gun helmets to patrol the island and beam any uninvited losers.

Instead I give you the photos of my birthday.

My 2 best guys ( the Droid and the Prince) took me out to Dinner..

Every picture from yesterday was photo bombed by the prince.

We went to Al Frescos and had dinner on the Patio in the Court yard.

Thank goodness there was a water feature because it was 110 degrees.

But there was live music and they sang me ” Happy Birthday”

That's the band playing happy birthday, I spared you the video

After dinner it had gotten dark and cooled off down to a much more tolerable 104 degrees, so we went to the beach. We walked the Ocean Springs bridge and then went down the beach and threw pennies in and made wishes, because the Ocean is pretty much the biggest wishing well EVER.

OH and I probably ruined my pedicures your guys virtually gave me.

I love you all, thank you again for making this birthday my bestest ever !


ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.