Consider this your notice

I don’t want anyone to say they didn’t know. None of this, ” I didn’t’ get the memo” crap around here people.  You have here by been formally notified.

In 2 days it will be a special day. My Birthday. Friday July 30th.


Now some of you know me a little better than others and some of you know me well enough to have blackmail pictures.  None the less I have decided to even the playing field by holding a contest.  Yes that’s right.  But unlike all the other blogs out there that have contests.  This one will be different.  Way different.

You are invited to email me letters, poems, jokes, and pictures of whatever you think is the bestest gift I would want.   These will be probably the only thing I get so I am totally counting on you for my happiness, myvirtual birthday presents, and your entry into the contest.

The prize, which I think you will all agree is the best ever give away of all times is,  when I take over a private island I will invite you to come live on my friendly island with smexy butlers and fountains of vodka.  Now some of you may say, “wait a minute here woman, that’s not a real prize”.   But your wrong, it is a real prize, just a real as the virtual presents you are sending me.

See it’s all good, I will mentally enjoy your virtual gifts and smile, and you will mentally be allowed to visit my tropical island of dreams.

Now that’s a deal.

So get to writing, photo shopping or image stealing so I can have presents this year.    Email them to me at beingpeachy@gmail.com

Make sure to include whatever name you want them to be from and if you have a blog the link to it.  I will be posting these on my birthday. This Friday, so go ahead and get them in. I am drooling anxiously awaiting at my inbox for my presents.  SQUEEEEEEEEE !!  Plus you guys are so creative.


ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.