
Sometimes you try real hard to make a cute new word and it ends up containing the word Turd.  Like today. DadTURDay.  But since it’s for Dads it’s ok, cause all boy/guys/men love fart and turd humor?  Right, if not please send in your complaints and I will have my ( ahem) staff handle that. ( all complaints are forwarded to my stupid Dalmatian, so good luck with that..)

So today I want to introduce you guys to a few of the Great Guy Bloggers out there.  ( I couldn’t fit everyone on here sorry..) So I narrowed it down to these guys who  are so creative and when they step on the field they BRING IT.

*Mandatory disclaimer *As most of you know my Dear Husband the Droid is an awesome guy and adopted our 2 oldest and never missed a school function and blah blah yeah he’s wonderful, it almost pains me to write that sappy stuff, seriously I will just dance for his present.

*Other Mandatory disclaimer*My own Daddy is amazing and funny and still sends me forwarded email, like thousands EVERY DAY, because I don’t think he knows how to “create”  or ” reply” to an email but instead only sees the “forward” button. I love him he rocks. ( please note I am pretty sure my Dad does not read my blog, but if he does, I was totally kidding about Dancing for the Droid, I would never do that Daddy, sober EVER. )

So I have all the mandatory disclaimers out of the way and I want to share with you  these awesome Dad’s who rock so hard Aerosmith ask them for tips.  If I were a real journalist or professional  I would have interviewed them.  But that would have been all work like and you know I am against that.  So I just pulled an event, post, or picture from their blogs and instead tell you MY personal view on what they do.


Jason Mayo, from OutNumbered

–  He lives in the house of Estrogen, and rather than trying to fight it, he embraces it, smart guy.   When asked to take his turn reading to his daughters class, he actually wrote a BOOK.  Did you hear me people, HE WROTE A BOOK, just to read at his daughters class. I phone in my turn at snack day, I can’t even imagine the amount of time love and dedication this guy put in.  Then like a remarkable person he made it a fundraiser for a good cause.  You might as well get in line and order yours now. It even has a facebook page.” Do Witches Make Fishes?”  So just in case your not already thinking OMG he’s friggin fantastic here’s a little video just to push your emotions over the edge. From his post titled ” I don’t need No Stinking Boy”

Light Dressing bawaha  *snort*  Now that’s a Dad folks.

This next guy, is known only as ” Why is Daddy Crying?“.

I would reveal his secret identity but then you would all have to die, so really I am doing you a favor by just letting  you read his blog.  It covers everything from  Running to Beer, from Fantasy to reality. Cat puke,  wet children, birthday cakes and boobies.   He admits his flaws and overwhelming feelings while breaking down what a crappy terrorist he would be. He uses words from Animal House and he’s kind of like the really honest guy best friend that let’s you in on what they are really thinking.  You can go to his blog and type any word in the search and come up with a post worth reading.  So on Monday you can imagine my delight when the Film ” Why is Daddy Crying” had it’s surprise debut.  Yep here’s the film and it pretty much sums it all up.

This awesome brain child happened when “Why is Daddy Crying” and his friend  JC Little (AKA@LittleAnimation on Twitter)  did a mash up. You can see the interview here. Pure Genius JC  that was brilliant. LittleAnimation has a great site for kids here.

Next up we have  “The  True Ninja ” Jim Lin-  at BusyDadBlog

his alter ego is a business professional but we all know he’s a ninja in real life and his blog will make you laugh and with his newest little ninja in pink he walked us thru every step even converting the man cave into a nursery.  In 2009 he was Mr May on the “Hot Blogger Calendar“, and guess what he’s won Mr January for 2011.  He’s even been turned into a Comic Strip at Busy Dad Comics.  If that’s not enough for you to slip on your stalker shoes he was also honored by T-Mobile on June 17 2010 for fathers day, he is their facebook profile photo.

T-Mobile’s Father’s Day celebration continues with Jim Lin from The Busy Dad Blog. He says, “Ask your doctor if fatherhood is right for you. Side effects may include disorientation, humming kiddie pop at work, limited DVR space, and dependence on mac n cheese. Be sure to get 8 hrs sleep before fatherhood because you never will again. Ever.”

They are all ninjas..

WTG  Mr. Ninja man… the force is strong with you and your little team.

Now that you have met  the Ninja, let me introduce you to a SuperHero  at  DadUnmasked.

He’s a dad of 2 little girls who is putting on his cape daily without even realizing he is doing it.   He is an 80’s music dream DJ, and in case you didn’t figure it out  he has an affection for comics, super hero’s and sci fi.   So that makes him high in the rankings on this Geek Girls rating system. Oh wait did I mention he aced Calculus?  Yeah I know..     So when one of his SUPERBLY ADORABLE little girls came home to teach him the “Florida Alphabet” he shared the audio with us .

So now that you’re all going wow, those are some great dads, and I am all like “YOUR WELCOME” or maybe even “I TOLD YOU SO!”  Go forth and friend, follow or stalk from a distance  these great men.  You may want to even accidentally leave their blogs up on your husbands computer as a subliminal hint. Men like my Daddy, The Droid and the guys above are raising  our future leaders and philosophers.  This would be a great time to make friends with those peoples Daddy’s.
So to all you Dad’s out there.  Thank you.

A father is a guy who has snapshots in his wallet where his money used to be.” ~Unknown


ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.