Eddie Vedder and Silence

The weather is so nice, perfect breeze no bugs.  We were just sitting around on the deck having ice cold drinks and jamming.

It was me and Eddie.  You know Eddie Vedder.  He’s telling me how awesome it is to just have a friend like me, so cool, so funny.  He’s hitting on me big time. I’m not shocked I mean after all,  I am used to hanging out with big stars, remember the day me and Brendan Frasier hung out and he wanted me.  Yeah  he is just one in a long list of totally hot guys I hang out with that want me,  but Eddie is singing to me and that is so cool.

Then I hear nothing. NOTHING.  SILENCE.

Crap … It’s over…I snapped back into the world that I actually live in and my drooly face is on my drooly pillow and I hear nothing.   Do you know how fast the sound of nothing can wake you up?   Well me either but it’s way faster than very fast.

Here’s the problem with hearing nothing…  I should always hear the sound of something.

AC unit, ceiling fan, maybe a TV  on in another room and you can bank on that sweet little high pitched noise that comes from computers being heard through out my house 24.7.

It hit’s me the sound of nothing means no power.  I go to the bathroom, I hit the light switch?  why? I knew the power was out.    Then I got into the kitchen and grab the phone. Why? I knew the power was out.  I go to the fridge with my cup and no water comes out the door, why? again sign along with me people, ” the power is out”.   I go on doing things like loading the dishwasher and filling the washing machine with close and detergent.  Obviously I am a Rocket Surgeon. But I get a free pass because just a few minutes ago I was jamming with Eddie and now I am here, with no power, of course it’s a shock to the system.

Then I start to panic. I can’t get on line, I can not get to twitter, facebook or OMG my blog.  ( yes, I know I am one of the few on the planet that do not have access from some fancy phone access to all that,  hey technology companies feel free to hook me up ).

So I start thinking in advance how I will look like a melted pile of oozze on the floor from the sweltering heat and how it will be on the news, and OMG I can’t die wearing this.

Then, eventually, the power comes on and all the sweet noises that mean comfort and contact come racing into my ears.

I think my power company purposely does it once or twice a month so you’re all grateful when you get their big fat honking bill cause the alternative to paying that bill is fresh in your mind.

Marketing Win for Power Company.  But I will never forgive you for making Eddie leave.

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.