This seriously disgusts me..

Ok so the blog is all about “Being Peachy”. To yourself, to your family to your friends, to strangers. It’s not hard. It doesn’t take any effort to actually smile at someone or say , “hi”. I realize there’s a boatload of suck out there that stumbles into our lives and can bring  you into a “not so peachy” state of mind. I also realize that as humans we have the ability to decide what we give power to. Yes that’s right, as one of your few rights of simply being born, all you have to do is make a conscious decision not to let things control you. With that right, I feel you have some level of obligation to be a non asshat, or if possible a decent human being. Hold the door for the next person, let a car in line in front of you. Basic simple things right? Would it be wrong for me to expect more? Like checking in on an elderly neighbor once in a while, or if you see something happen or someone hurt check on them? Or is it possible that I am expecting too much. I know we are all busy, but seriously people we get one trip on this big rock it wouldn’t hurt to take a second to be kind.

I don't get it...

Just last month I was driving on the Interstate, I saw an SUV that had rolled over. I cut across 3 lanes of traffic U turned in the median and dove out with a blanket and my cell phone in hand. Thankfully the guy was alright, but he was in shock. I simply made him lay on the blanket and be still while we waited for EMS. I also called his wife and let him speak to her and then gave her directions to where he would be taken. It took nothing from me. NOTHING. I will never even know their names. I don’t need to. But if that was my husband I would want someone to do the same. Who wouldn’t? Right? NO EPICALLY WRONG ! Apparently we as a human race have some issues. Like a total lack of empathy or sense of caring for each other. Not all of us, and not all of the time. When the video below came on my screen I couldn’t believe it.  Now below is a video of what has me so flippin ticked I had to share it. Be warned it’s not a nice  example of  humanity. More of my rant after the show which I snagged via MSNBC

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Ok so how did this happen?  Who didn’t at least call 911 and say there is someone on the ground and they look injured?  This is a prime example of the victim, who was not being a Jerk but instead a hero, ended up dying because people walked by, stepped over, or took pictures of him?  WTH?  Where is the girl he rescued from being mugged? Could she have bothered to call ? I am so disappointed.  I have raised my kids to help, not endanger themselves but to help, and the thought that one of my sons could be left in that situation  well….  it seriously disgusts me.  So come on human race, let’s make a movement to try and be a little bit more peachy to one another.

ThePeachy1: ThePeachy1 has been trolling around the interwebz since we were all in loin cloths with Monochrome TRS 80's. Mainly proud, often befuddled, but always amazed mom of 3 awesome kids and wife to "The" techo guru. When not missing vodka, friends, or wondering why more people don't appreciate the PJ lifestyle she can be found lurking everywhere on the web.